Chemiservis is your one-stop-shop for near well-bore stimulation. Beyond diagnosing the problem and formulating the solution, delivering the solution to the wellbore for results.

Like the postman, neither rain, wind, sleet, or snow will impede the delivery of our products. Chemiservis’s transportation experience extends to sea, land, and remote areas.


Once  our products reach the wellsite Chemiservis takes charge and insures placement into the precise location in the wellbore.

Only by taking responsibility of the full cycle can Chemiservis Guarantee the optimum results.  This includes  supervising application,  precisely where remedial action is needed.. Often adding stimulation precursors, and chasers, circulation of other additives, backflow /collection of residuals when required, and removal from the location to a safe disposable area. Transporting – Ocean and Land – see the iso containers –etc.