Reservoir Damage Reduces Recovery

Reducing permeability, limiting oil flow and recovery. Plugging the reservoir pathway, affecting extraction efficiency.

Equipment Pipeline Blockage

Can cause pipeline and equipment blockages, necessitating costly maintenance and part- replacements.

(EOR) Enhanced Oil Recovery

Methods like gas injection can induce asphaltene issues jeopardizing injectivity and recovery success.

Quality Processing

Methods like gas injection can induce asphaltene issues jeopardizing injectivity and recovery success.

Quality Processing

Increased costs, impact the financial viability Effective management is key to optimizing production and profitability.

Reservoir Damage Reduces Recovery

Reducing permeability, limiting oil flow and recovery. Plugging the reservoir pathway, affecting extraction efficiency.

Can cause pipeline and equipment blockages, necessitating costly maintenance and part- replacements.

Methods like gas injection can induce asphaltene issues jeopardizing injectivity and recovery success.

High asphaltene content lowers crude oil quality, demanding advanced, costlier refining methods.

Increased costs, impact the financial viability Effective management is key to optimizing production and profitability.


Initial rapid deposition slows over time due to the insulating effect of the paraffin layer, reducing temperature gradients.

Above the cloud point; paraffin deposition decreases with increasing wax solution temperature but never fully stops if the surface remains below the cloud point.

Deposition increases as surface temperature drops below the cloud point, with larger temperature gradients enhancing the driving force.

Higher relative velocities reduce deposition on clean surfaces but can increase wax content on already deposited surfaces due to shear forces.